Sunday Message
We Have Access to the Father
Our Lord's death on the cross tore open the veil that separated the people from the presence of God. Now every believer has direct access to the Heavenly Father through the presence and...
Read MoreThe Danger of Despondency
This message is drawn from Luke 18 where our Lord asks the question "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith of the earth." There seems to be an attack on many believers to surrender...
Read MoreHaving Our Joy Restored
Believers need to experience the joy of salvation. Too many Christians express guilt about areas where they do not feel that they are doing well. God desires His children to enjoy their...
Read MoreThe Goal of Grace
Why does God give us His grace? What is His goal for the grace we have in Christ Jesus? If we do not understand God's goal for His grace, we may miss it entirely.
Read MoreRejoicing In Hope
How do believers rejoice in the Lord always? We must learn the secret of "rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God," Hope is the heat attitude of faith that waits for God's help in...
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